St. Benedict

St. Benedict
Belmont Abbey College

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meeting--Sept. 17

The MSLO met at 3:00pm on Sept 17th. There were 14 members in attendance and was presided over by the President; Nathan Price (MA).

The President welcomed everyone and reported that we currently have 91 members. The Officers were announced for this year. They include: Nathan Price (Marines) as President, Bol Maywal (Army) as Vice President, Emily Hudgins (Navy) as the Finance Officer, Jordan Pifer (Air Force) as the Historian, John George (Army) as the PT Officer, and Kelsey Teague (Air Force) serving as the Treasurer.

Old Business included recounting the projects and activities of last year. The group managed a letter-writing campaign for the troops; this was Christmas in theme. Also, members volunteered at Golden Coral on Veteran's Day.

A blog (this blog) was created to kep it's members informed so they do not get endless emails each week. The blog continues into new business in that it will be updated weekly and members should check it at least once per week. The blog should be maintained by the Historian or President.

New Business:
A backpacking trip is planned for November 5, 6, and 7. A handout was planned and provided by Justin Bates. If you would like to view it, it will be posted on this blog soon.

The Christmas for the Troops campaign will start at the end of this week. The boxes will stay up for four weeks this year and a deadline of October 25th will be the collection day for the boxes. Sharon Stahl, Michael Prigmore and Nathan Price will head this project.

A Spring Break is planned for March 10. We will rent a van, travel to Cocoa Beach, Florida, get on a cruise ship and sail to the Bahamas for 4 days. The cost is $219, but we will need $300 to pay for the van, gas, and hotel before the trip. Please pay Marisa Satterwhite, Emily Hudgins, Kelsey Teague, or Mr. Turner as soon as you can for reservations. Every time we receive two paying persons, we will book a cabin (we will divide who rooms with who later). The price is per two-person occupancy, so get a friend and get the money. We should book by Novemebr to lock in that rate (later, it will rise in price).

We will have a Marine Corps mud-run on October 30th. This is the Saturday before Halloween so the participants will be able to run in their costumes...this should be a blast! If anyone asks, there is a $10 entry fee per person. They may find sponsors to pay it or ask 2 people to pay $5 or 10 to pay $1 each. Either way, the proceeds will be divided in half. Half to the Marine program "Toys for Tots" and the other half as our first fundraiser. We, as a group, will supervise the obstacles. Please contact John George, Bol Maywal, or Mr. Turner with any questions.

The Lecture we co-sponsored went over pretty well. Sharon Stahl is writing an article for the college newspaper. Look for that to come out soon.

PT. Everyone should be showing up for PT. To this point, we have been gradually increasing the expectations. On September 21st. Officer George will be conducting the last conditioning session. On Thursday, September 23rd. Mr. Turner will be stretching the group and marching to the YMCA where we will have our swim test. Then, on Tuesday, September 28th, Gunnery Sergeant (Marines) Scott will be introducing his "Combat Conditioning Training." Complete with Hand-to-Hand combat techniques, Combat readiness, partner conditioning and will introduce a weight-training exercise for each member. WE NEED BETTER ATTENDANCE!!!

Cadet Crystal King announced that we are able to get more uniforms and equipement. Please get your measurements in to Mr. Turner as soon as possible. Once the uniforms are given out, we may not have your size.

Cadet Chandler will be assisting Mr. Turner with the swimming PT's and Cadet George will continue to assist and substitute for Gunny Scott at conditioning PT's.

The Marine Officer Selection Committee will be visiting again on September 27th. They will have lunch at the Commons with anyone who wants to go and be available for follow-up questions or new cadets from 2-4. TELL EVERYONE about our visitors (Marines and Navy).

The Navy Officer Selection Commander will be visiting on October 8th from 2-4 to discuss the options for those interested in Navy Degree Completing Program. Please make this a success. If you have any questions, stop by (a reminder email will be sent out).

Next meeting: Officers and Assistants will meet October 8th, in Mr. Turner's Office at 3:00pm

Next Member meeting will be October 22nd at 3:00 pm (one week before the Mud-Run)==final planning stage.

Mr. Turner

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