St. Benedict

St. Benedict
Belmont Abbey College

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New this fall!

This fall, we are hosting a total of 24 ROTC/PLC students. This means that we are going to be busy. I will introduce each of the new members to the group as the school year starts.

We need volunteers to man the orientation table. So, if any of you will be here then please volunteer to man the table by emailing Mr. Turner at

There will be workouts (PT) 4 days per week. On Mondays and Thursdays we will have Cardio and endurance training (push-ups, sit-ups, Jax, crawls, pull-ups, drill, and falls.)

On Tuesdays and Fridays we will have cardio, weight training, and swimming.

The YMCA has reserved the pool for an hour each of those days so we can have swim instruction. You will have to be able to tread for 15 minutes, swim continuously for 15 minutes and complete full laps. Also, we will have floating exercises, rescue training, and water exercises.

The Navy Reserve unit is working out a plan to have the Delayed Enlisted participate in these PT exercises.

See you all soon!

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