St. Benedict

St. Benedict
Belmont Abbey College

Sunday, May 9, 2010

09-10 wrap up

Successful weekend. The MSLG had a table during the "Accepted Students' Day." There was not a huge turnout, but it is believed that the students were not directed to the Haid Ballroom (They chose to go to mass or eat...imagine that!).

Later, the group met at Chi Ro house and had the "Call of Duty 2 Tournament." About 12-14 people showed up. Good barroom brawls, tattoo bets, or discharged weapons...

Everyone have a great summer. We will continue the tournaments in August, have other fundraisers, and plan a weekend trip to Virginia.

God, Country, Family, and Self!


I would like to put a face to the names of the officers elected this past month for the 2010-2011 school year.

President: Peter Petties (Marines)

Vice President: Nathan Price (Marines)

Historian: Jordan Pifer (Air Force)

Finance Officer: Chase Mack (Navy)

Treasurer: Kelsey Teague (Air Force)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank a soldier

New Officers-2010 to 2011

The new officers have been elected.

President- Peter Petties (Marines)

Vice President- Nathan Price (Marines)

Historian- Jordan Pifer (Air Force)

Financial Officer- Chase Mack (Navy)

Treasurer- Kelsey Teague (Air Force)

Congratulations all!