St. Benedict

St. Benedict
Belmont Abbey College

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Marine day


Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 1715 (5:15 pm) the MSLG will elect their Officers for the 2010-2011 school year. The field officers will be elected at the end of the Fall semester. (and nominations)

President (Commander)-Nathan Price (Marines), Branden Todd (Navy), Peter Petties (Marines)

Vice President (Vice Commander)-Nathan Price (Marines), Chase Mack (Navy), Branden Todd (Navy)

Historian-Max Severence (Army), Jordan Pifer (Air Force)

Finance Officer-Charlie Blum (Marines), Branden Todd (Navy)

Good luck to each of them. Please attend the election on Thursday and vote for your candidate. (Benedictine Room-lower level of the Library).

Pics for the future

Pics for the future

Video A